Apply for Admission

Choosing the right mental health program is important.

Our admissions process is conversational and personal. During your first phone call or email contact, a member of our team will share information about our program, answer your questions, and learn more about the individual seeking treatment.

If Jubilee seems like a potential fit, our team will recommend that the admissions forms be filled out by the potential guest and/or their family. Records and discharge summaries from past psychiatric treatment, hospital stays, or other residential programs will also be needed.

​Once we have reviewed all the forms and paperwork, the applicant and family may be invited to interview virtually. This will be followed by a farm visit. Prior to starting the program the applicant will submit a deposit, then the first day will be scheduled.

Steps in the Admission Process


The admissions process begins with a phone call or email. Please call our team before submitting any forms. The prospective client, their family member, or their treatment provider are all welcome to call. You can also email


The Admission Application can be completed by the applicant and/or family member and includes personal, social, health and treatment information. You will receive a link to the patient portal to complete the application once the initial screening process is completed.


The release of information will be sent to you from our office. This form allows us to contact your current treatment provider. For individuals applying directly from an inpatient unit, medical records will be accepted as well.


Once we have received your application and medical records, we will schedule your intake interview. This is an opportunity for our team to get to know you better and understand your goals and motivations for participating in Jubilee.


Following your interview we will invite you to tour Jubilee. This is an opportunity to get to see the farm and ask any remaining questions that you may have.


Submit deposit and discuss any financial concerns around program participation. Our program is out-of-network with insurance plans and requires an initial deposit. We work with you to submit claims to your insurance company to cover services at Jubilee.